So apparently there's this gesture in Venezuela and Mexico (anywhere else, Internationals?) called the "Monocle" that is meant to cut a boastful person down to size? Bust someone's chops? Something like that.
I'm not sure that it will ever catch on here in the states — probably too intelligent and subtle — but I thought I'd share. Enjoy.
the "fresas" use this, you say... osea
you can also say "ooof" when someone is being pretentious.
A tasteful way to flip someone off?
In Mexico its more to tell somebody they're being a fancy pants. You can also say Perdón (Excuse Me). For example, when somebody says I only wear Chanel, you say.
Sort of "ooh! pinky up!"
It is also used in Colombia. I was just explaining the same thing to Melissa a little ago.
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