Kiran has a problem. Well, he has many problems. But this one isn't sexual in nature. No, it's about the final review.
He's going to be out on production the first two weeks of May. We've talked about it, and wanted to know what you guys thought of having the review either Saturday, May 9 or Sunday, May 10. That's really the only time he's going to be here. Plus it really isn't cutting your time short--you still have dead week to prepare.
So... which one will it be? We're recommending Saturday evening, say 5-ish. We're still trying to figure out a venue.
Post your replies in "comments."
Thank you, and pray for Kiran.
May 10 is Mother's Day. So let's just do it May 9. Okay? Everybody, together: "Okay."
Okay, sounds good.
Whatever dude just leave me the hell alone
My mom doesn't love me.
Can we do it in a more chilled out setting? like we can go bowling or something, we can all chip in to pay the reviewers' pizza? This will keep them happier?. :)
I'm down for Saturday. I hope Kiran is alright though. I would wish him great but that doesn't sound possible so therefore my wish wouldn't come true. Damn.
Jaime, more chilled out = you guys don't take it seriously enough. So in a word, no.
I want to see a tuxedo this time.
I already picked my suit out.
That will do.
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