If you've never been to Rome, know that there is a huge Vespa population (and other motorini) that buzzes around the Eternal City. They will zip right through traffic, up to the front of every line. It looks like a motocross race when the light changes and they are all gunning for the hole shot. They are also known to use the sidewalks and have no problem squeezing through the narrow passages of a sidewalk café. I even saw one squeeze between two cars moving at 15-20 kilometers. The driver of our car had something to say, but my Italian is not so good. Mama Mia, lots of fun to watch.
Bummer there's only two executions, I'd like to see more. Here's the other.
I've seen a third. I think.
Please share if you find it.
I'm full of shit.
Are you takin the class again next semester John?
I might. Now that I'm unemployed and freelancing for a minute. I emailed Lee, but have yet to get a response. I doubt I'll be taking a spot from anyone, seeing that a few peeps dropped this semester. Send me your info dood, omnijohn311@gmail.com.
Welcome to the club of the Unemployed. Yeah def. you should try taking the class again, you will be missed and that drawing of you will be missed too.
my e-mail is mitortilla@hotmail.com I also own mitortilla@gmail.com and mitortilla@yahoo.com . I deserve to diie.
What are you talking about, of course everyone has been to rome
I really liked climbing the Eiffel Tower.
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